What Students Say
Becca K.
I appreciate how Meg celebrates the best in others. She has a knack for seeing people's strengths, even when they don't, and gives them the platform to shine.
Joia F.
To Meg,
Your passion for music and life is infectious and will continue to propel me towards bettering myself and the lives of everyone around me.
Katie G.
Meg is one of the kindest people I have ever had the joy of knowing. She holds every person so quietly, so strongly, that suddenly all things are possible. I have never ended an interaction with her where I have not felt lifted. At the end of the summer of 2017, she told me to “take the magic with you.” I think that’s what Meg does. She carries magic with her.
Zoe D.
Meg, I feel so grateful to know your kind spirit and huge heart. Your warmth is inspiring and something we could all use a bit more of these days. Thank you for all that you have taught so many of us about friendship, hard work, and home. You are a bright light in this world!!
Bryant L.
Dear Meg,
To begin to say thank you would not be enough to cover it. You and MPM completely shaped my life. I would not be the designer or artist I am today without the wonderful experiences that you guided me through in my formative years. You taught me not only how to make music but also how to make friends, how to love and appreciate art, and more importantly, how to dedicate myself. With the hard work and ethics you place in all your students it’s not wonder all your kids are off doing amazing things. An update: I still play the violin, even in London—I made sure to ship it. And I wont’t lie, I’m not as good as when I had your weekly lessons, but I still remember those little tricks you taught me. Not just how to place my fingers no the strings, but also to relax and let things fall into place (a lesson applicable to my design work!).